Jan - Mar 2023

After our successful series on Housing in 2022, we are launching an internal dialogue series on Connection. We will spend the year exploring the value of human connection in all facets of life and community, with a particular focus on multi-sector, asset-based solutions for our state. All members of Wisconsin Partners groups are invited and welcome!​ Register here >
We are taking a community tour again! In lieu of a traditional board meeting in May, we will be visiting Southwest Partners in Richland Center for a bus tour of the community, a reciprocal exchange of community impact stories, and an interactive workshop on the broad-based model that makes transformation possible.
We are working with the Wisconsin Early Childhood Association, one of our members, to amplify voices of parents, grandparents, and other primary caregivers around the child care crisis in our state. Read more here >
Our mission statement, vision, and guiding principles are all revised, updated, and polished! We will be working on building some more materials in the next few months.