“Wisconsin Partners offers the unique hope of mending our torn social fabric and bringing optimism and opportunities to communities.”
– Mike Breininger, Southwest Partners
April - June 2021​
Stronger Together Fox Valley has been continuing progress on its Equity Network, a coalition of local groups committed to holding elected officials accountable to Title VI. In February, they hosted a training on Title VI. Groups focusing on Observations, People, Communications, and Training continue to meet and make progress on the foundation of this effort.
In January, we held an internal discussion on Political Peacebuilding using the communication guide created by Living Room Conversations. We encourage you to check out their other guides as well!
Wisconsin Partners worked with the Wisconsin Early Childhood Association on a toolkit on Wisconsin Shares, a child care subsidy program that has undergone significant changes in the past year. We encourage health care providers, churches, ADRCs, nonprofits, local government, and creative industries to use the toolkit and reach out for additional support, so that families can get the support they need and deserve. Please contact info@wisconsinpartners.org if you would like more information.
In March, Stephanie Harrison (Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association) and Kerri Parker (Wisconsin Council of Churches) hosted a conversation for WP members about COVID Vaccine Equity. We will continue this discussion series throughout the year by randomly pairing different members, who will then choose any topic of interest for conversation.
We continue to be involved in Wisconsin’s Civic Health Initiative, which finalized a report last summer and will move forward on action items for improving volunteering, community engagement, and participation in local government.
At the statewide level, we are convening Policy and Governmental Affairs staff from member associations on a monthly basis to identify issue alignment, and Communications and Outreach staff convene quarterly. We plan to work with Membership staff to find a time to meet in the second quarter of the year, with the intent of sharing strategies for members support and engagement.
Do you live in the Fox Cities, Richland County, or the Coulee region? We would love to help you connect with one of our regional-based groups. They are multi-sector and locally-led coalitions committed to positive change in their communities.
Arts Wisconsin
Keep Wisconsin Creative! As a member of the “Stop the COVID Spread” Coalition, Arts Wisconsin is urging creative businesses and people to “wear your masks, wash your hands, and watch your distance.” Materials are free to use and can be updated with your organization’s pictures: https://www.artswisconsin.org/keep-wisconsin-creative-2/
Wisconsin Council of Churches
NAMI Wisconsin
NAMI Wisconsin hosted our second Legislative day called “Action Online” on February 25th. Over 300 members and legislators joined us to discuss our legislative priorities, a NAMI Smarts training which helps members develop an “Ask” to present to their representatives, a panel discussion on current mental health priorities and then a breakout session for members to meet with their representatives. While we usually do this in person, we were able quadruple participation in this budget year of important topics.
Our Legislative priorities video can be viewed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3czKGLAq1uk
• State funding for Crisis Stabilization Centers to decrease Emergency Detention transports by police officers of persons in a mental health crisis.
• Increase of Medicaid coverage to 138% poverty level.
• Focus on state funding for National 9-8-8, mental health crisis line which will go into effect 2022.
• Maintain telehealth waiver for private insurance.
United Way of Wisconsin
Our 21 Week Equity Challenge runs Feb 1 - June 21 in partnership with local United Ways throughout the state. More than 10,000 people have joined us in this weekly exercise to deepen understanding, suggest ways to take action, and help launch what we hope will be a lifelong commitment to improving equity and inclusion in our communities. The Challenge is adapted from the work of Debby Irving, racial justice educator and writer, and Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr., Director of the Privilege Institute in Green Bay, WI. Learn more: https://www.unitedwaywi.org/page/equity-challenge
UWWi and Supporting Families Together Association are hosting a virtual early childhood advocacy day on Thursday, April 8th
With support from Wisconsin DHS, 211 Wisconsin and UWWi will help ensure that vaccination information and support is provided to Wisconsin’s most vulnerable populations and communities.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), in partnership with 211 Wisconsin, has launched Wisconsin's COVID-19 Vaccine Assistance Hotline. Wisconsinites can now call (844) 684-1064 (toll-free) for personal assistance with their vaccine-related questions.
Wisconsin Council of Churches
Creating For a New Creation Rest & Renewal retreat boxes for clergy and worship leaders to include a podcast, swag, and activities will be available in June.
Survival & Love - A womanist preaching series will provide churches with 7 sermons from black female preachers as a way to give pastors a break and also lift up voices from across the state: https://www.wichurches.org/2021/02/18/survival-and-love-a-womanist-preaching-series/
Our Interfaith Voter Engagement Campaign continues as we help people understand how to shift from voting to advocacy. We are focused on the state budget. https://interfaithvotewi.org/
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association
Advocacy: WECA and other Wisconsin Infant Toddler Policy Project (WITPP) partners have been meeting regularly with legislators and administration officials to discuss the child care challenges in the state during the COVID-19 pandemic and advocate for the Wisconsin Infant Toddler Policy Project 2021-2022 Budget Priorities. Many thanks to those that participated in WECA’s Advocacy Week March 1-5)!
Information hearing: The Chair of the Assembly Children and Families Committee Pat Snyder (R-Schofield) will hold an informational hearing on the state of child are in Wisconsin. This hearing will include testimony from WECA and other child care providers. Date TBA.
Presentation to the Wisconsin Legislative Children’s Caucus – April 22: WECA, Wisconsin Counties Association, Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative, and United Way of Wisconsin will showcase how the WITPP is advancing evidence-based policy initiatives related to high quality, affordable child care, home visiting, literacy, infant and early childhood mental health. The broad coalition is helping to advance these efforts to optimize the health and well-being of infants and toddlers in Wisconsin.
Video Testimonials: We are looking for individuals willing to record a short video on the importance of child care and the problems exacerbated by COVID-19. Contact: janderson@wisconsinearlychildhood.org

April – Creative Wisconsin Month – Arts Wisconsin
April 1 & 2 – Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association (WPHCA) Advocacy Day
April 8 – United Way of Wisconsin and Supporting Family Together Association (SFTA) Advocacy Day
April 14 – Multi-Sector Conversation, hosted by Sarah Diedrick (Wisconsin Counties Association) and Tony Shields (Wisconsin Philanthropy Network), topic TBA
Open to all members of Wisconsin Partners associations and regional groups
April 22 – Presentation to Wisconsin Legislative Children’s Caucus
Featuring Wisconsin Early Childhood Association, Wisconsin Counties Association, Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative, and United Way of Wisconsin
May 12 – Wisconsin Partners Core Team Meeting
May 12 – Aging Advocacy Day
June 9 – Multi-Sector Conversation, hosted by Ruth Schmidt (Wisconsin Early Childhood Association) and Charlene Mouille (United Way of Wisconsin), topic TBA
Open to all members of Wisconsin Partners associations and regional groups